Monday, March 8, 2010

A Long Satisfying Day

All the Tanks arrived today and we got all but 3 of the 11 set in place.
In the morning we got the brew house started and after lunch we had it in. Then we got started on the 20 barrel (620 gallon) Fermentation tank. We were done for the day around 7:00 pm as evidenced by the shot of Epic Stainless now gracing State Street!


  1. This is looking good! I was wondering if you are planning on having some kind of bar or tasting room so we can try the tasty brews before we buy them? It would be great to be able to taste all of them and then buy all of them. Cheers! Can't wait until you are open.

  2. Good question Helga!

    I saw the tanks driving down State st. after work yesterday. Looks like a great place to stop for a brew on my way home!
