Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Location, Location, Location

It is not easy in SLC to find the right location to meet the needs of the thirsty. Epic is doing something that hasn't happened in Utah since prohibition; you can imagine the zoning issues along with State and local laws that complicate the issue of where we will brew and sell our "Heavy Beer" from. We can't be too near a park, church, school, playground, etc. It is not impossible but it has taken way too long.

At any rate we have two possible downtown locations in the works and we hope at least one will play out this week. Do us a favor and make a toast to success if you will!

Poll results: Only 7 people noticed and took the poll regarding Favorite Beer Styles. India Pale Ale, American Pale Ale, and Double IPA's take the podium.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Survey Facts and OBF visit

Some fun facts from the survey…

The average survey taker bought 36 beers in the previous month.

Some of you might need to step up your game or share more of your beer with your friends since….The winner bought 144 in the previous month!

The more beers a person bought, the more likely they were to want to try an Epic made brew. Good beer, in moderation, can make you smart or at least a potential Epic Brewing Customer…

People were most interested in trying Epic for:

1. Its expected taste
2. Being a craft beer
3. Range of styles being offered
4. Alcoholic content...hmmm

Under…behavior modification: a number of people who typically DO NOT purchase beer from the state liquor store said they would start shopping there once Epic is on the shelves!

Oregon Brewers Fest Update

Kevin (Epic’s Brewer) said he needed to go out to this great beer festival over the 23rd to 26 July for work. He said it was “hard work drinking all the different styles of beer in the heat wave” in the Pacific Northwest.

We got some good leads for hops, malts and hard goods. Kevin found some new experimental malt that seems just up Epic’s creative alley. We can’t wait until we are brewing with these small batch, limited release, specialty malts, the flavors should push the envelope.

Kevin also saw our good pals at Ninkasi Brewing to help on the bottling line since they use a similar system to the one we will use; which was a good hands-on experience.

Thanks to those of you who took the time to complete the survey before it closed.