Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pretty Busy Since May Last Year

I guess most of our followers are locals and a few pals from afar, so most of you already know the growth story of Epic Brewing. The rapid increase in fermentation tanks and building expansion and the many awards already won, including being named the number three top new brewer in the world by just a few days ago. How many months ago did we start this? About nine; really can't believe it.

We are now up to 26 beer styles brewed and we distribute in Utah, Idaho, Virginia, Washington DC and parts of Colorado.

How can a small company like this do something like that. I think it is first from the support of community as well as a buy in from all involved in the vision of the project. Most people thought the idea was crazy but when customers, cities, employees, our contractor, distributors, suppliers, other craft brewers and many others buy into that vision with a drive and passion things happen. Thanks to all of you!

We are well beyond our year five business plan and making so many tasty beers I really cannot decide which one I will have with dinner tonight. It is a weekend at home between two weeks of launch efforts in Virginia, Washington DC and Colorado. We never dreamed that we would be on tap in our Nations Capitol at one of the top beer bars in the world, or on draft in Charlottesville, VA, just a stones throw away from Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, within a year of operations.

Can't wait to see what happens next week.


  1. #1 beer in the galaxy! Love the brews, thanks for sharing your passion.

    always looking forward to my next Epic beer!
